Chandmari more Kalyani sub division Kalyani MuniciPality Kalyani MuniciPality ward 17 PS and PO Kalyani pin 741235
ID. No. | Area | Plot-No | Plot Type | Rate Per Acre | Lease Premium | Application Fee | Action |
1 | 7 Acre | 6882(Vacant) | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5120000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
2 | 1.9790 Acre | G3 | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5120000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
3 | 1.9790 Acre | G3 | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 3065000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
4 | 2.016 Acre | G | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 3065000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
5 | 5.201 Acre | G1 | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5120000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
6 | 5.201 Acre | G1 | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 3065000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
7 | 0.4552 Acre | D | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5888000 Rupees | Rs.10000/- | APPLY NOW |
8 | 3.0016 Acre | D(Vacant) | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5888000 Rupees | Rs.25000/- | APPLY NOW |
9 | 2.5392 Acre | Z9 to Z13,Z22 to Z26,Y & Z2 | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5888000 Rupees | Rs.25000/- | APPLY NOW |
10 | 3.1391 Acre | 5,6(Part),N2(Part),P3(Part)-(Vacant) | Lease | 1000 Rupees | 5888000 Rupees | Rs.25000/- | APPLY NOW |